UNTITLED Miami 2017

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Teresa Lanceta - Sin titulo. 2017. Lienzo cosido y pintado / stitched and painted canvas. 250 x 165 cm.

Teresa Lanceta – Sin titulo. 2017. Lienzo cosido y pintado / stitched and painted canvas. 250 x 165 cm.

Teresa Lanceta - Adios al rombo. 2016. Lana y algodón / Wood and cotton. 250 x 150 cm

Teresa Lanceta – Adios al rombo. 2016. Lana y algodón / Wood and cotton. 250 x 150 cm

Teresa Lanceta - Franjas. 2016. Lienzo cosido y pintado / stitched and painted canvas. 250 x 150 cm.

Teresa Lanceta – Franjas. 2016. Lienzo cosido y pintado / stitched and painted canvas. 250 x 150 cm.

Teresa Lanceta - Adios al rombo. 2012-13. Lana y algodón / Wood and cotton. 250 x 150 cm

Teresa Lanceta – Adios al rombo. 2012-13. Lana y algodón / Wood and cotton. 250 x 150 cm

Miguel Angel Gaueca - Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables.

Miguel Angel Gaueca – Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables.

Miguel Angel Gaueca - Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables. Detalle.

Miguel Angel Gaueca – Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables. Detalle.

Miguel Angel Gaueca - Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables. Detalle.

Miguel Angel Gaueca – Grey Table. 2017. Mixed Media. Medidas variables. Detalle.

Miguel Ángel Gaüeca - Edwardian Gold Jug. 2017. Vidrio soplado y grabadoo / blown glass and engraving.

Miguel Ángel Gaüeca – Edwardian Gold Jug. 2017. Vidrio soplado y grabadoo / blown glass and engraving.

Liliana Porter - To Clean Up II. 2012-17. Installation.

Liliana Porter – To Clean Up II. 2012-17. Installation.

Maider López - Telon. 2015. Video. 8' 54''

Maider López – Telon. 2015. Video. 8′ 54”

Juan Luis Moraza - Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza – Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza - Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza – Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza - Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza – Servomechanism Puppet (Will you?). 2017. Bronce, plomo, cable y poleas de acero, guante de cuero / Bronze, lead, cable and steel pulleys, leather glove. 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm. Detalle

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm. Detalle

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm. Detalle

Juan Luis Moraza. ARULES. Modelo social 25. 2015. Metacrilato fresado, pintado y moldelado / methacrylate milling, painting and molding. 50 x 50 x 15 cm. Detalle

Juan Luis Moraza- Person ex officio (Joker Worker). 2017. Resina acrílica / acrylic resin. 68 x 38 x 38 cm.

Juan Luis Moraza- Person ex officio (Joker Worker). 2017. Resina acrílica / acrylic resin. 68 x 38 x 38 cm.

Steven Arnold - Connecting to the infinite. 1986. Fotografía / Photography. 40,64 x 50,8 cm

Steven Arnold – Connecting to the infinite. 1986. Fotografía / Photography. 40,64 x 50,8 cm

Steven Arnold - Dopelganger. Fotografía / Photography. 40,64 x 50,8 cm

Steven Arnold – Dopelganger. Fotografía / Photography. 40,64 x 50,8 cm

We participate in UNTITLED Miami 2017

Stand / Booth: D20

Artistas en UNTITLED Miami 2017/ Artist in UNTITLED Miami 2017:






For further information about UNTITLED art works: galeria@espaciominimo.es