JUANA GONZÁLEZ .- Tu incertidumbre

JGO81 - Nido arrodillado. 2023. 146 x 114 cm. MEDIA

Espacio Mínimo gallery presents the first exhibition in its space of the artist JUANA GONZÁLEZ entitled Tu incertidumbre (Your uncertainty). The exhibition is made up of a selection of works from her most recent production since 2019 in which large-format paintings, oil on canvas, as well as a portrait cabinet dialogue, along with a series of drawings, inks on paper, which are interspersed throughout the exhibition.


The artist’s plastic universe has its starting point in the subconscious. A vast, complex and original imaginary inspired by dreams or revelations that cause a state of agitation, confusion and daze to those who contemplate them, as well as restlessness and restlessness. Regarding the title chosen for her exhibition, the artist comments: The concept of uncertainty refers to a sensation related to the imprecise or unknown. From a rational, analytical or objective approach, it has negative connotations associated with ignorance, irresolution or indecision. But I am interested in uncertainty from an irrational and subconscious approach, because this is the terrain in which the scenes I paint emerge. Uncertainty leaves the doors open to interpretation for me, it coexists with mystery, it does not constrain or limit the gaze.


Juana González’s artistic practice moves between painting and drawing. Stylistically indebted to a secular tradition in which we recognize from medieval narratives and baroque compositional structures to the most recent and varied “isms” of the last century, without ruling out other manifestations such as cinema or comics. Her work is revealed to us as a risky and complex “tour de force” in which concept and form find their balance between tradition and modernity. Both in her elaborate large-format canvases and in her precise and spontaneous drawings we find ourselves before a mysterious and disturbing story of open codes, of monumental workmanship, which becomes a theatrical and performative staging.


Lidia Gil Calvo finds reminiscences of artists such as Velázquez, Tiziano, Goya, Rubens, Tintoretto, El Greco, Buñuel and David Linch “Juana González’s work runs through that source of dissidence… to provide an authentic vision of things, although they wander through the paths of uncertainty.” For his part, Fernando Castro Flórez perceives in some of her works a type of representation that is, in Freudian terms, as familiar as it is disturbing and he adds “This artist, with an acid sense of humour, paints “anomalies,” lets things and, especially colour, flow, transforms the space of representation into an area for the uncertain, where the fantastic challenges us. Without a doubt, this artist enjoys the colour that can drip, surpassing figurative limitations, producing a rare sensuality.”



JUANA GONZÁLEZ (Puertollano, 1972). Graduated in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2005.

Her works have been shown in different national and international spaces such as the Santa Catalina Cultural Space (Badajoz), the Museum of the City of Móstoles, the Museum of the University of Alicante, Galerie 100 kubik in Colonia or the Musée des Beaux-Arts in La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland. She has been recognized with an honorable mention at the ABC Painting and Photography Awards (2003), the Contemporary Art Meetings of the Juan Gil-Albert Alicante Institute of Culture (2012), the VIII New Artists Meeting of Santiago de Compostela (2018) or in the XV LA RURAL Plastic Arts Prize / Fundación Caja Rural Jaén (2022). And she has had several publications in different media (editorial, digital press, TV report).

Her works are represented in national and international public and private collections such as MMAC of the Madrid City Council, Cantabria Government Collection, Kells Art Collection, or Solo Collection, among others.

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Juana González. Crisis. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 245 x 200 cm

Juana González. Crisis. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 245 x 200 cm

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Juana González. Miedo. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 200 x 170 cm

Juana González. Miedo. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 200 x 170 cm

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Juana González. Ceremonia. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 170 x 200 cm

Juana González. Ceremonia. 2019. Óleo sobre lienzo. 170 x 200 cm

Juana González. Peral. 2022. Óleo sobre lienzo. 65 x 50 cm

Juana González. Peral. 2022. Óleo sobre lienzo. 65 x 50 cm

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Juana González. Nido de Atardecer. 2022. Óleo sobre lienzo. 40 x 30 cm

Juana González. Nido de Atardecer. 2022. Óleo sobre lienzo. 40 x 30 cm

Juana González. Nido arrodillado. 2023. Óleo sobre lienzo. 146 x 114 cm

Juana González. Nido arrodillado. 2023. Óleo sobre lienzo. 146 x 114 cm

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Juana González. Celebración. 2018-2021. Tintas sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm

Juana González. Celebración. 2018-2021. Tintas sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm

Juana González. 3 velas. 2018. Tintas sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm

Juana González. 3 velas. 2018. Tintas sobre papel. 50 x 35 cm

Juana González. Árbol. 2020. Óleo sobre lienzo. 110 x 70 cm

Juana González. Árbol. 2020. Óleo sobre lienzo. 110 x 70 cm

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González

Vista de sala. Exposición Tu Incertidumbre, de Juana González