+34 91 467 61 56 | galeria@espaciominimo.es | AREA PRIVADA

2009 / 2010

25/May/2010 - 23/Jul/2010

Martin Parr .- Luxury

The meaning of Martin Parr Luxury pictures has shifted since he started takind them. Then, there was neither credit crunch... Leer más →

09/Apr/2010 - 22/May/2010

Bene Bergado .- Hom@

Hom@ is BENE BERGADO’s fourth exhibition at Espacio Minimo Gallery and is made up of five sculptural works with which the... Leer más →

10/Dec/2009 - 06/Feb/2010

Susan Collis .- Twice Removed

Espacio Mínimo Gallery presents British artist SUSAN COLLIS’s first solo show in Spain. COLLIS’s installation  was  recently included in the... Leer más →

22/Oct/2009 - 05/Dec/2009

Erwin Olaf .- Dusk & Dawn

ERWIN OLAF’s fourth exhibition at Espacio MÍnimo Gallery will bring together his two latest series, Dusk and Dawn, shown side-by-side... Leer más →

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